Fully furnished Apartment for Lease in Avadi located in HVF Road - Brindavan Nagar 2nd Street. Just a 1 Year old building. Apartment locality Avadi - Brindavan Nagar, 2nd Street - Flat Name: MM Thulir, 1st Floor Door No: BF2. Fully Furnished apartments with individual CCTV's. No Lift just 2 floors, complete basement closed parking. Each apartment has single car parking with CCTV Cameras individually attached / 3 Bike Parking per apartment. 24 Hours water / electricity. Unaffected flood area.Apartments are fully furnished with False Ceiling, Bathroom Accessories, Individual CCTV, 2 Car Parking + 3 Bike Parking, Wardrobe Installation, Mosquito Aluminum Netlon, UPS Connection, Slipper Stand, Imported Chimney with Modular Kitchen. Calm and a peaceful area.
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