3bhk flat for sale in Aranya Apartment sholinganallur
For sale
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Listed on : Sun Apr 28 2024
Price per sqft
Total price
1.09 cr
Total Area
1885 sqft
Carpet Area
1500 sqft
1200 sqft
Total floors
Floor number
Car parking
2 car parking
Approved by
To be noted
Residential project, Vishranthi Aranya Apartment in Chennai is offering units for sale in Sholinganallur. Check out some Apartment that suit your lifestyle and liking. Possession date of Vishranthi Aranya Apartment is May, 2011. The property offers 3 BHK units. As per the area plan, units are in the size of 1885.0 sq.ft.. It has 92 units. Contact for further details. Vishranthi Aranya Apartment is located in 138, Elcot Avenue, Sholinganallur. In terms of facilities, offerings such as Gymnasium, Power Backup. For families with kids, there is Children's Play Area, nearby apart from Swimming Pool. There is 24x7 Security. Has 5 fairly new 1.5 and 2 ton air-conditioniner. Vishranthi Homes is a very well-known developer-firm in this real estate market. Residents and their lifestyle are at the centre of their developments.
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