3bhk villa for sale in Jeshwant home kovilambakkam
For sale
No 5 raja street vidhudalai nagar KOVILAMBAKKAM opposite to kauvari hospital near chaitanya techno school
Posted by
Listed on : Mon Mar 10 2025
Price per sqft
Total price
1.09 cr
Total Area
1450 sqft
Carpet Area
1425 sqft
720 sqft
Car parking
1 car parking
Approved by
To be noted
Kovilambakkam S.Kolathur Viduthalai nagar near Chaitanya Techno School good residential areas plot corner north side and east side road 24feet Under Construction. Project address No. 5 Raja Street Viduthalai Nagar Kovilambakkam chennai. 1. Total land area 1450sqft. 2. Land Area each 720sqft. 3. Building Independent DUBLEX Type 1450sqft (No Wall Sharing). 4. CMDA Kitchen Approval 90% Loan can be arranged Axis, SBI, BOI etc. 5. Separate Bore Well asper Vastu. 6. Building construction asper Vastu. 7. With Covered Car parking. 8. Good ground water. 9. Corplot also Available. 10. Just 300 meters distance from Radial Road Opposite to Kauvery Hospital. 11. Just 100 meters Sri Chaitanya Techno School Viduthalai Nagar Kovilambakkam. 12. Price 1.10cr.
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