is the Chennai based real estate portal for buyers and renters to find brokerage free properties by connecting with direct owners and builders. Findbhk allows property owners to post free property ads and get unlimited enquiries till it gets sold. For buyers, findbhk is the best place to find best gated community plots in Chennai. They display a large collection of residential plots across localities with varying budgets from direct sellers. A simple user interface designed with customer privacy in mind, unlike other property portals you won’t be bombarded with spam calls. Sri Mangal Avenue is the DTCP approved plots in Chengalpattu with 10+ amenities at a competitive price.
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Always connect with the recently posted properties (less than 45 days)
Rental properties stays for a shorter period in the market, so contact the seller immediately.Don't wait.
Never make any token advance before visting the property or meeting the owner/care taker.
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